Sunday, 31 March 2013

Birthday & Easter Weekend!


How are you lovely people?  

For those who read my latest post you would be aware that on Friday I turned 20! So it has been a full on weekend. Friday I was awoken nice and early by my little sister jumping on me yelling 'it's your birthday Nicole, wake up you're old!'. Just what I wanted to hear haha. Anyway I was blindfolded and taken outside where my present was revealed on the back of my Dads ute, which was a new double bed which I'm super happy with, because lets face it how many 20 year olds are still sleeping in a single bed? I also got given a Stila palette, the Lauren Conrad Style book and loads of money (shopping spreeee yay!). So I spent my birthday morning at home building my bed with my Dad and had a few relatives over. I'm literally in love with my bed, so much room for activities!!! ;) haha

After lunch my three besties picked me up where we drove to Bribie Island beach and had a swim, tanned and perved on the babes! ;) Every time we attempted to have a beach trip last Summer it rained or something came up, so this was the first successful beach trip in a while for us. Must of had some birthday luck. 

We left the beach and headed back to my friends house for presents, pre-drinks, tacos and a good old game of kings cup before we went to the Broncos vs Storms rugby game at Suncorp. We then realised it was Good Friday and couldn't eat beef, so we actually didn't eat anything which meant we got drunk a lot quicker (bad idea lol). It was present time and again I was blindfolded. I was a little more scared this time being blindfolded because my friends are crazier than my parents so I was half expecting a stripper to pop out. They told me to take the blindfold off and standing there in front of me was this handsome fellow.

My friends also baked me a cake and gave me a hair-salon voucher because I told them a while ago that I really want to get my hair ombred. God I love my friends! haha

We had such a good night at the football. Happened to get a couple of free drinks from some cute guys which is always a plus. Yay for being the only young girls in our section of the stadium who weren't accompanied by any males and yay for it being my birthday! haha Mind you my team lost 26-32 which was a bit of a bummer, but they did play extremely well considering the Broncos were versing a team which is currently number one on the ladder. We left the footy pretty much straight after and went home because one of my friends had work early the next morning. 

Saturday I was nursing a hangover until the afternoon. I also went out for a birthday lunch with uni friends and then went out on the town Saturday night for more birthday celebrations. 

This morning (Sunday & Easter) I was definitely over birthday celebrations and drinking. I spent the day with family as it is Easter and had a nice barbie at the beach. Built sandcastles with my niece and nephew, went for a swim and played some beach cricket. It was lovely to spend the day with all my family. So much chocolate was eaten so a run is definitely in order tomorrow. 

Hope you all had a lovely Easter weekend! I certainly did.

Bye! xx